Survey Results CZ
Number of respondents
16 respondents.
Hearing Status
Most of the Czech respondents are deaf (green), 6% are hard of hearing, None of the respondents is hearing.
Age groups
Most of the Czech respondents are between 31-40 years of age.
How many hours do you teach, per month?
60% of the Czech respondents teach less than 21 hours per month.
Imagine: you can make 3 wishes for your work as a teacher. What do you wish for?
Almost all respondents wish for more learning materials. Many also wish for a sign language curriculum.
Open question: Good advice?
“I think that it is good to attend the conferences, e.g. LESICO conference, and lectures connected to sign language teaching or didactics, and to study more. Perhaps it is also good to share experiences, opinions and examples on websites not only from my country but also from Europe.”
Open question: Barriers?
“No co-operation with lecturers from other cities; everyone is doing it his way. Here in the Czech Republic, there is not a unified system of signs.”